Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Snuggly Snails


So...remember my thing about puns? I think it's gotten worse. It's not just punny bats anymore. Now it's snails, too.

Lets back up a bit, and I'll explain. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Fruit Bat Season!

I like puns. I know... it's a sin that may send me to a special hell someday, but I can't help it. Making physical items that embody puns? Even better! When I first started making bats a couple years ago, my daughters laughed at me because of the different puns I found to make. My response? "What's the point if you can't make a pun out of it?"

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Welcome to my Chaos!

 Hello and Welcome!

In a fit of...something...I decided to attempt a blog to go along with my website. As I've had problems over the last year with keeping the website up to date, this should be an interesting process.

Snuggly Snails

Hello! So...remember my thing about puns? I think it's gotten worse. It's not just punny bats anymore. Now it's snails, too. Let...